
  • 04 Nov 2020 16:02 | Raymond Jaworski

    Special Event Station N4A (November For America)- 

    If you are planning to attend the 2020 Stuart Florida Air Show this weekend ,or within range, bring your HT and listen in to the Witham Field (KSUA) before and after the actual Air Show.

    During the Air Show performance, the AIR BOSS directing the aircraft has the airspace under control and the frequency changes from time to time.  Try listening on Air Boss 118.05

    Other frequencies to monitor are below: 

    Tower on 126.6 frequency (AM mode) 

    ATIS: 134.475     Ground: 121.7   PBI Approach: 132.8

    MCARA Club K4ZK 147.060 PL 107.2 N4A Special Event Station Friday and Sunday on 20m.


  • 22 Feb 2020 09:00 | Raymond Jaworski

    The NWS Melbourne,Florida Skywarn Spotter & Community Open House event scheduled for 22 February 2020 has been cancelled due to projected building construction. Please continue to monitor the local weather at Ham radio operators are encouraged to check in to the Treasure Coast Weather Net (TCWN) on Sunday nights at 9PM on the 146.775 repeater (-offset, tone 107.2) or Echolink node 146175.  Be Safe!. KI4RHL Martin County Skywarn Coordinator.    

  • 15 Jul 2019 21:42 | Raymond Jaworski


    Learn about the 2019-2020 Neutral El Nino effects on Florida’s weather. Learn how to report severe local weather. This FREE SKYWARN SPOTTER class in  Stuart will give you all the information needed to become a registered spotter for the National Weather Service.

    Saturday October 12, 2019

    9:00AM Doors open & Registration

    9:30 AM to 11:30 AM Basic Class

    Anyone interested in severe weather, tornadoes, waterspouts, and helping save lives and property are invited. Reservations are highly recommended.

    You can sign up for this or other local Spotter classes at:

    For more information or to sign up via email please contact Ray Jaworski KI4RHL Martin County’s Skywarn Coordinator at  or call (772) 485-9677 and leave a message.

    Training will be held at the Martin County Emergency Operations Holt Center, in Room 225, 800 SE Monterey Road, Stuart, Florida, 34994. Martin County Amateur Radio Association Martin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service / (ARES/RACES) Stuart’s 45th Annual Hamfest March 21,2020

    2008 Martin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service. Inc.—All rights reserved.

    Martin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service (MCARES) is a 501©(3) public charity that recruits and trains volunteers to serve their community in emergency and backup communications, and also promotes all aspects of ‘ham’ radio.

  • 17 Mar 2019 10:10 | Steve Sprayberry (Administrator)

    Well another Stuart Hamfest is in the books. As the Chairman for this year I feel it was a rousing success! We had a great crowd lots of vendors,awesome forums and great food! The prize ticket prizes were extremely well received and we had more than enough hourly prizes too! Thank you to Everyone who attended! Thank you to all the companies who graciously donated prizes! I’d like to thank each Martin County Amateur Radio Association (MCARA) member for all the time, effort and dedication you gave to make it a success!

    I’m looking forward to making next year even better!

    Thank you again!

    Eric D








  • 11 Feb 2019 19:04 | Raymond Jaworski

    In case you missed the February Basic and Advanced classes in Stuart, Florida you can always register for another NWS Melbourne, FL sponsored class in the area to stay current. Remember you should get recertified every 24-36 months to stay on the NWS list of current Spotters. If you moved out of the area or changed your phone number please let NWS know about it. Visit this easy to use registration website to find a class near you:  The February, March and April months could see an unusual amount of hail and severe cold front storms. 

  • 26 Jan 2019 22:28 | Raymond Jaworski

    As of this moment, the Basic and Advanced Skywarn Spotter Classes are still "on" for February 2nd, 2019 here in Stuart, Florida. If interested in attending these classes please register for one or both at  

  • 15 Jan 2019 20:23 | Raymond Jaworski

    During the first weekend of December, the National Weather Service Office in Melbourne, Florida supported SKYWARN™ Recognition Day for the 20th consecutive year.  The event for Amateur Radio (ham) operators was held from 7pm Friday, November 30th through 7 pm Saturday, December 1st and is co-sponsored by the NWS ( and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL;  Local amateur radio operators and their family members attended a SKYWARN™ Open House from 10 AM to 4 PM on Saturday, December 1st, for tours of event operations and of the National Weather Service office.

    SKYWARN™ Recognition Day (SRD) provides a venue for National Weather Service (NWS) offices to recognize Amateur ("ham") Radio operators for their commitment in helping keep their communities weather-safe. During every tropical weather threat, and many other major weather events, Amateur Radio operators staff local NWS and American Red Cross shelters, standing ready to provide emergency communications should standard services fail or become overloaded. Many Amateur Radio operators are also trained as SKYWARN™ weather spotters by local NWS offices, to provide valuable information during hazardous weather situations. Often, these spotter reports allow NWS meteorologists to issue severe weather warnings with greater advance notice and confidence than would otherwise be possible.

    During the 24-hour event, Amateur Radio operators throughout the country visited their local NWS office, set up portable radio stations to simulate emergency conditions, and worked in teams to exchange weather reports with other hams across the nation and the globe.

    2018 SRD results:

     Total Contacts:   558
     States Contacted:  46
     NWS Stations Contacted: 
     Countries Contacted:  1
     Bands: 2, 20, 40, 80 meters  

     Modes: SSB, FM, Echolink


    Radio Operators & Assistance Provided by:

    Dave Allen - N4ESI Brevard County - PCARS
    Walter Aucoin - WB5ZGA Brevard County - PCARS
    Rodger Boogren - AK4MI Brevard County - PCARS
    Gregory Bowman - N4EN Brevard County - PCARS
    Alan Dixon - N3HOE Brevard County - PCARS
    Jan Ferguson - W4REN Brevard County - TARC
    Ken Hendrickson - N8KH Brevard County - PCARS
    John Hudacek - KJ4VQF Brevard County - PCARS
    Gordon Johnson - KA4JRY Brevard County - PCARS
    Debra Markley - WD8JPX Brevard County - PCARS
    Jerry Phelps - KJ4IMP Brevard County - RACES
    Stephanie Phillips - K4MVO Brevard County - TARC
    Donald Purnhagen - KN4ILG Brevard County - PCARS
    Spencer Rich - KM4KFG Brevard County
    Dana Smith - KM4TIX Brevard County - PCARS
    Eric Smitt - K9ES Brevard County - PCARS
    Dennis Tokarzewski - AJ4DT Brevard County 
    Glen Vinke - KX4CQ Brevard County - PCARS
    Don Winn - AF4Z Brevard County - PCARS
    Wayne Burkett, Sr. - KA1VRF Indian River County - TCWN
    Carm Miranda - K4CRM Indian River County - VBARC/ARES
    Dave Roy - K1EUS Indian River County - VBARC
    Sandy Roy - KA1HUG Indian River County - VBARC
    Ray Jaworski - KI4RHL Martin County - ARES/RACES
    Ron Tagg- KD4PQQ Martin County - ARES/RACES
    Ellory Buehl - W2DNR Volusia County - DBARA/ARES
    Warren Greenburg - AE4WG Volusia County - ARES  
    Karl Martin - KG4HBN Volusia County - ARRL NFL
    Pete Blottman - N2RFW NWS Melbourne
    Don Burkhardt NWS Melbourne
    Fred Johnson NWS Melbourne
    Jessie Smith - WX4JRS NWS Melbourne
    Scott Spratt - KT4PD NWS Melbourne
    Roddey Stevenson NWS Melbourne
    Derrick Weitlich - W1DKW NWS Melbourne


    For questions, comments, feedback, please email Derrick Weitlich or Jessie Smith

    To receive a QSL card from WX4MLB after the event, please send your card along with an SASE to:

    NWS Melbourne
    421 Croton Road
    Melbourne, FL  32935.

    Electronic QSLs can be exchanged via EQSL ( 


    Annual Statistics from WFO Melbourne (local records)

    YEAR Total Contacts NWS Contacts States DX Countries Contacts nation-wide
    1999 279 20 38   7  
    2000 489 38 43 12  
    2001 276 33 48   3  
    2002 388 35 44 29  
    2003 538 42 43 20  
    2004 1524 68 49 57 1st Place
    2005 778 71 49 20  3rd Place
    2006 921 70 50 24  2nd Place
    2007 930 64 47 17 1st Place
    2008 1192 74 50 40 2nd Place
    2009 1373 77 50 43 1st Place
    2010  292 35   43     6  15th Place 
    2011 1604 81 50 43 1st Place
    2012 978 74 50 25 1st Place
    2013 1024 54 47 21 1st Place
    2014 1294 63 50 38 1st Place
    2015 1407 65 50 32 -
    2016 1209 65 50 21 2nd Place
    2017 182 27 33 6  
    2018 558 43 46 1  




    2018 SKYWARN Recognition Day Official Website

  • 21 Nov 2018 08:19 | Steve Sprayberry (Administrator)

    Hurricane Michael 1740zOn October 10th, 2018 Hurricane Michael made landfall near Mexico Beach in the Florida panhandle with wind-speeds measured at 155 mph.  It was the strongest storm on record to strike the Florida panhandle, and was responsible for at least 45 deaths in the United States, and an estimated $15 billion dollars in damages.

    ARES groups from around the state were deployed to provide emergency communications for local and state government, and the American Red Cross.  Our own Dave Morris, K4AW assumed the role of American Red Cross Communications Manager for Hurricane Michael DR 748-19.  He finally returned home to Stuart on Wednesday, October 31st, after a three-week deployment.  Dave issued the following letter of thanks on behalf of the American Red Cross:
    Dave K4AW and Governor Scott
    "I wish to acknowledge and congratulate each of you and the many amateurs who manned the stations at the Red Cross shelters and District Operations during Hurricane Michael. As the Amateur Radio leadership team on DR 748-19 I hope you will pass along to your associates our heartfelt appreciation for an outstanding job. The professionalism and dedication by each operator was truly inspiring.

    "I wish to give special recognition to Sal Martocci, K4YFW, who was by my side throughout the first three weeks. He has become the voice of the American Red Cross in North Florida. Special thanks to Randy Pierce, AG4UU, whose vision and hard work in support of Florida
    SARNET demonstrated what a phenomenal emergency communications system we are so fortunate to have in our state, and to Pat Lightcap, K4NRD who tirelessly served as Net Control for more hours than one can imagine.

    "Special recognition to Karl Martin, KG4HBN, who pulled the ARES team together and maintained a full staff at all locations throughout the entire critical period.

    "Beside SARNET we were fortunate to have the North Florida ARES net on 80 meters run by Terry Webb, N0TW, and Paul Eakin, KJ4G. With the 80 meter net we had virtually 100% coverage. Their team provided a much needed service day and night.

    "Supporting this outstanding leadership team were a group of phenomenal amateur operators who are the unsung heroes spending countless hours in the field to help alleviate human suffering. On behalf of the American Red Cross we hope you will give your team the recognition they richly deserve and express our sincere appreciation.


    "God bless each of you." -- David Morris, K4AW, Communications Manager, October 10 - 31, 2018, Hurricane Michael DR 748-19, American Red Cross, Tallahassee, Florida.

    Well done Dave!  Thank you, once again, for your tireless service!

    Martin County ARES/RACES & Martin County Amateur Radio Association

  • 09 Nov 2018 09:27 | Steve Sprayberry (Administrator)

    2018 Stuart Air Show

    What could be more exciting than three whole days filled with thundering jets, vintage aircraft, good food, and Ham Radio?

    Despite some initial difficulties encountered erecting the antenna tower, it worked flawlessly the entire weekend.  Thanks to Eric W4ELB, the Tower-Meister, for his dedication.

    Our expanded canopy-village provided ample covered space for radio gear, rag-chewers, snacks, and guests.  And since we were so well protected, not a drop of rain fell during the entire event.

    On Saturday afternoon, an extra special pyrotechnics demonstration had all the airport fire apparatus rushing to the field.  For a few moments, we wondered if the strafing P-51 Mustang had delivered some live ordinance!


    None of it would have have happened without your help!  Well done, to all those who participated!


      W4SPR and K4GMW  N2ATP, KV4MS, K4AW, K4OIL, KM4RTQK4AW & N2ATP work 20 meters

    Click on any of the pics to view a larger image.

    Martin County Amateur Radio Association

  • 30 Jun 2018 08:35 | Steve Sprayberry (Administrator)
    Stuart's Sandsprit Park became the epicenter of Amateur Radio in Martin County on Friday morning with the setup of our stations for Field Day 2018.  While we deployed our new 106-foot tower trailer for the first time, several others worked to locate and capture two 70 cm foxes hiding in the foliage around the park.  The setup went flawlessly, with many hands making light the work.

    Our stations went On-The-Air on Saturday afternoon at 2 PM, joining thousands of others in the largest Amateur Radio event of the year!

    A few hours later, a massive smorgasboard of BBQ showed up, and the party was officially in full swing!  Combine the sounds of SSB and CW, four kinds of BBQ, and the fellowship of good friends, add you have a recipe for an unforgettable event.  Thanks to all who participated!

    Gary K4GMW and Nancy KK4WCC  Discussion GroupJacob N3JSK, Tony N2ATP, Dave K4AW  Spray W4SPR, Photo by KJ4CWJSteve WW4RX, Nancy KK4WCC  Bill KF4MTU, Ron K4OIL, Eric W4ELB, Eric KM4RYH, Gary K4GMW, Dave K4AW, Nancy KK4WCC

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