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  • 16 Jan 2013 08:04 | Deleted user
    Our next meeting is January 24th, 2012, 7:00 to 8:00 PM at our regular meeting place, 1895 SE Flying Fortress Lane, Stuart, FL 34996. Map here
    Got Questions? Call us at 772-324-3078

    Among the topics will be the new combined MCARA/ARES net, the coming event and of course, this new web site. 
  • 11 Dec 2012 13:45 | Deleted user
    Hi All,

    It is decided to cancel the regular Monday Night MCARA nets for Monday 24, December and 31 December 2012 as both are major holidays. While there is not an official net going on at those dates and times, you are more than welcome to give a call on the 147.060 MHz repeater and have a rag chew. Tone is 107.2 Hz

    After the first of the year, we will be switching to an experimental format for the Monday nets- combined with the ARES net with all Mondays of January on the 145.150 ARES repeater except the last Monday will be held the MCARA repeater.

    Jan 07, 14, and 21 will be on the 145.150 MHz ARES repeater- Jan 28 will be on the MCARA repeater on 147.060 MHz.

    Our next meeting is 24 Jan so we will not have had a full rotation by then. We should all have some feedback on this by the February 2013 meeting. 

  • 08 Dec 2012 18:40 | Deleted user
    Hi All, 

    The Christmas Holiday party was a great success- we had 24 members present and a great time was had by all. I forgot to bring my camera, but snapped a few shots with the phone. Thanks to all who came and to Pirate's Loft for the venue. Click the "login" link above to log in as a member. This  is a link to the photo album available after login to members only. As a side note, each member may post his or her own photos in album linked to their profile- at the moment all member albums are visible only among our web site members.

    Christmas Party 2012
  • 18 Nov 2012 12:30 | Deleted user
    Meeting Minutes for November 2012 Posted in Members only area.
  • 17 Nov 2012 11:36 | Deleted user
    Thanks to all who helped move the tower onto the trailer to transport the tower to Ron Tagg's house on Saturday 17 November. We're now ready to start the refurbishing of the tower and consider details on mounting it to the trailer.
  • 17 Jul 2012 16:21 | Deleted user
    June 2012 Meeting Minutes Uploaded to members only area
  • 27 Jun 2012 16:25 | Deleted user

    2012 Stuart, FL Field Day Video

    Here is a short video of our 2012 Ham Radio Field Day in Stuart Florida. Clips from Saturday and Sunday Morning.

    Stuart Florida ARRL Field-Day 2012 from MCARA, K4ZK on Vimeo.

  • 13 Jun 2012 16:19 | Deleted user
    May 2012 Meeting Minutes Uploaded to members only area. 
  • 21 Jun 2010 19:15 | Deleted user

    Based on what I could read from the sign-in sheet we had about 22 folks visit our Club's Special Event Station "K4ZK Camp Murphy" last weekend at Hobe Mountain, J. Dickinson State Park, Hobe Sound FL. (Members list subscribers should receive a copy of the list). Here is a slide show below.


    It really was a great time despite the summer weather challenges and at least 22 folks dropped in with about another 20 passing by our field station on the way to the observation tower. The set up and take down crew did an awesome job despite the heat and terrain.  A tally of actual radio contacts is being pulled together and the bands did finally open up on Sunday.

    A special"Thanks" go out to Bill N4BKT for the idea, pulling everything together equipment wise, for the use of his motor home and gear, and especially for the press releases and PR promotions. His hard work and dedication to your club was noticed and appreciated.>> Nice Job Bill!

    MCARA Newcomer Eric (KJ4TPZ) is now "certified" and passed the "How to launch a tree top dipole" course and John (KE4JB)gets a big "Bravo" for his Buddy Pole efforts. Thanks guys.


    73 KI4RHL

    Ray Jaworski

    PS. See you all at Field Day, at Sandsprit Park, Stuart on the 26th and 27th. of June. Please "Be Prepared" for some fun, get on the air, and bring a friend. Visit the ARRL or the MCARA website for details.

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