The Martin County Amateur Radio Association meets on the
4th Thursday of each month, except in November, when we meet on the 3rd Thursday to avoid a conflict with Thanksgiving.
In December, we gather for a Christmas Luncheon instead of a monthly meeting.
Meetings begin promptly at 7:00 PM.
Since meeting locations vary, if you plan to attend a meeting, please click the Events menu above and select the specific meeting date. The Event details will provide the location of that meeting.
The doors open at 6:30 PM, and meetings usually run from 7:00 PM to 8:00 PM.
All people with an interest in technology and Amateur Radio are welcome to join us. Our association is open to people who are interested in getting their license or "ticket" as well as "old timers" (people who've been in the hobby awhile).
Come early (6:30 PM) and participate in the swap meet, bring amateur radio related items to sell or buy items of interest to you. We hope to see you there!