Skywarn Training Class- Basic

11 Jun 2016 09:30 | Raymond Jaworski

National Weather Service (NWS) Melbourne will come to Stuart Fl on Saturday June 11, 2016 to teach and certify anyone that wants to become a Skywarn Spotter. Registration is requested. If you haven't attended a Skywarn class in 2 years please attend to get recertified with the NWS program. Hope to see you there! 


  • 16 Apr 2016 10:14 | Raymond Jaworski

    Learn about the El Niño effects on Florida hurricanes and winter tornadoes. Learn about how to report local severe weather. This Basic SKYWARN Spotter Training class will give you all the information needed to become a registered spotter for the National Weather Service.

    Saturday June 11, 2016
    9:45 am to 12 noon

    All Amateur Radio operators, CERT Team members, Police, Fire, Pilots, Hospital Staff, Mobile Home residents, and anyone interested in weather are invited. Bring a friend.

    Reservations are recommended! (772) 485-9677

    Training will be held in Room 225, 2nd floor, at the Martin County Emergency Operations Holt Center, 800 SE Monterey Rd., Stuart, Florida, 34994. Seating is limited to 50.

    For more information about the class or to sign up please call Ray Jaworski at (772) 485-9677, or email AUTOPILOT9999@YAHOO.COM Martin County Amateur Radio Emergency Service / Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service (ARES/RACES)

    You can also sign up for this or other Spotter classes at:
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