Pete Lynch, W1MNY Silent Key

19 Feb 2014 11:41 | Anonymous
Pete Lynch, W1MNY, Silent Key
Pete Lynch W1MNY- photo courtesy Gus, NU4L

It is with sadness that we announce the death of former MCARA President and member Pete Lynch, W1MNY. Pete was 73 years at the time of his passing on Valentine's day, 2014.

You may read the Obituary and Funeral Arrangements here.

73 OM Pete.

I just uploaded a album of older club photos from Gus, NU4L to the MCARA Facebook page. Can you help ID some faces we may not have seen in awhile? Thanks.


  • 19 Feb 2014 12:14 | Deleted user
    Pete was truly a nice guy. You will be missed, Old Man.
    de Lee. K4LJP
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    • 19 Feb 2014 13:14 | Anonymous
      Thanks for the kind words Lee -
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