Stuart Hamfest Video- Walkabout, Activities, and Prize Drawing

26 Mar 2013 10:15 | Deleted user
We had a blast at the hamfest this year and hope you did too. If you were there or not, we thought you might enjoy this overview walkabout, some friends remembered, Kits for Kids (of all ages), and an angel or two...

Please Like and Share- look for the "Thumbs up" and "Share" icons in the top right corner of the video player- got comments? Click on the "comments" link below. Thanks to all who participated!


  • 26 Mar 2013 12:06 | Gus Berges
    For many years this has been a premier event in the hamfest community as it's very well attended and has no admission or tailgating fee. There are also commercial vendors and you can't beat the food/refreshments available or their prices. Also, if you research hamfests in Florida, very few offer prizes of the magnitude that MCARA offers at its annual event. Great people, great deals, great environment, great price, plenty of parking, what else can you ask? Oh yeah, super-dedicated and super-nice people. It's the one to beat!
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  • 26 Mar 2013 16:23 | Glenn Geist
    Hey, who was that good lookin' guy with the 2 meter halo?
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