ARRL Field Day 2022

  • 25 Jun 2022
  • 14:00
  • 26 Jun 2022
  • 14:00
  • Sandsprit Park, 3443 SE St. Lucie Blvd in Stuart, FL


  • MCARA/MCARES members attending

The last weekend in June marks the most anticipated annual event in Ham Radio, ARRL Field Day!  Preparations begin months before to ensure that our clubs enjoy the Florida Sunshine, Ham Radio, Food, and Fellowship.

Setup will begin on Friday morning, June 24th at 8:00 AM at Sandsprit Park, and generally lasts until Noon.  As they say, "Many hands make light the work," so please come out and help.  Everyone is welcome.

Station operation for Field Day 2022 begins on Saturday at 2:00 PM (1800z), and continues until 2:00 PM (1800z) on Sunday.

Thank you for participating with the Martin County Amateur Radio Association and Martin County ARES/RACES organizations!

What is Field Day?

Field Day is an Amateur (Ham) Radio exercise held on the last weekend of June each year to encourage emergency communications preparedness among amateur radio operators world-wide.  USA Field Day is the largest single emergency preparedness exercise, with over 40,000 hams typically participating in the two day long event.

Field Day is a time to hone our skills and showcase our emergency preparedness as well as introduce the hobby to the public. Ham radio means something different to each person, but most of all, we are a friendly and helpful fraternity of people from all walks of life, and all geographic areas, who are willing to pitch-in and do what needs to be done.  Come to Field Day in Stuart, Florida or find a local Field Day event in your area. You may be surprised at who you see there, and amazed at the advanced technologies we employ for communications fun as well as emergency public service.

Among the technologies we intend to demonstrate are Amateur Satellite communications, Packet Radio over VARA-FM, and of course, Morse Code (also called CW). Please join in the fun!

Below is a Google map of the Martin County ARRL Field Day location:

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