World Scout Calling Frequencies
HF SSB Voice
- 80 meters — 3.940 MHz and 3.690 MHz where authorized.
- 40 meters — 7.190 MHz and 7.090 MHz where authorized.
- 20 meters — 14.290 MHz
- 17 meters — 18.140 MHz
- 15 meters — 21.360 MHz
- 12 meters — 24.960 MHz
- 10 meters — 28.390 MHz
- 6 meters — 50.160 MHz
HF CW Morse Code
- 80 meters — 3.570 MHz
- 40 meters — 7.030 MHz
- 20 meters — 14.060 MHz
- 17 meters — 18.080 MHz
- 15 meters — 21.140 MHz
- 12 meters — 24.910 MHz
- 10 meters — 28.180 MHz
- 6 meters — 50.160 MHz
The JOTA is not a contest. The idea is not to contact as many stations as possible during the weekend. It is about Scout to Scout conversations to learn about one another and the country where they reside.
All participating groups are asked to send a report of their activities to their National JOTA-JOTI Coordinator (NJC) after the event. For those of you using Echolink, there are now two conference nodes designated for Scout contacts. You're familiar with *JOTA-365* (node 480809). We also have *JAMBO* (node 832996). For further Scout frequency information including D-STAR, DMR, and IRLP, go to
JOTA Newsletter
JOTA-JOTI 2017 Mark Your Calendar — 20 to 22 October |
World JOTA-JOTI 2017 BadgeThe World JOTA-JOTI 2017 badge is available from the World Scout Shops at JOTA-JOTI 2017 Badge. They also have large blanket badges and pins.
JOTA-JOTI Neckerchief InterestIf badges and patches aren't enough for you and your Scouts, you may be interested in a JOTA-JOTI neckerchief. The World Scout Shop has indicated that they would consider producing a neckerchief if sufficient interest exists. If you're interested, please complete the interest form at JOTA-JOTI Neckerchief Interest.
Online Scout Station SchedulingMany 2016 JOTA station reports suggested they needed an online scheduling tool. It was available but under utilized. You can find it at
Note the URL change from 2016. Thanks go to Dave Edwards, KD2E, and his extra effort to continue this system for 2017. Try it out.
Echolink Conference NodesFor those of you using Echolink, there are now two conference nodes designated for Scout contacts. You're familiar with *JOTA-365* (node 480809). We also have *JAMBO* (node 832996). For further Scout frequency information including D-STAR, DMR, and IRLP, go to
JOTA Station ReportsIcom America has once again this year donated an ID-51A Plus 2 to encourage stations to file their reports after Jamboreee on the Air. Everyone who files a report will have their names entered into the drawing. We'll open up the reporting system on JOTA weekend. For more information on filing your report, see JOTA Station Report Best Practices.
Cub Scout Program Helps — JOTAThe BSA National Radio Scouting Committee has developed an early draft of Cub Scout Program Helps for Jamboree on the Air. See Thanks to Christian Ingerslev, AB2SN for his work on this project.
Boy Scout Troop Meeting Plan — RadioThe National Radio Scouting Committee has also developed a draft Troop Meeting Plan for Radio. You can find it at Thanks go once again to Christian Ingerslev, AB2SN.
JOTA Facebook Profile Picture FrameUpdate your Facebook Profile Picture with the 2017 BSA Jamboree on the Air patch design. Go to and select the JOTA 2017 Boy Scouts of America picture frame. Thanks to Doug Cook, KX5DC.
K2BSA @ JamboreeK2BSA had a successful 2017 Jamboree. Thanks to everyone who got on the air and provided QSOs for our Scouts. You can read the full report at K2BSA 2017 Jamboree Report. The highlights include nearly 2,500 Scouts introduced to amateur radio with roughly 1,400 contacts. 200 Scouts tried out ARDF-Foxhunting and 305 earned the Radio Merit Badge. BTW — Slide decks used in the training are available at Jamboree Radio Merit Badge.
Radio Scouting NetChris Overbey, WA5DM, hosts a Radio Scouting Net on the second Thursday of every month. 9 PM Central on Echolink *JOTA-365* (480809). Check in and compare notes about your JOTA station and all Radio Scouting topics. We're getting a good turn out of experts, newbies, and everybody inbetween, sharing insights into what works and what doesn't work. Don't miss it.
New JOTA-JOTI Introduction VideoAs part of our overall communication efforts, we've produced a short video introducing Jamboree on the Air and Jamboree on the Internet. It can serve as an excellent introduction for all Scouting audiences, from parents, to unit and district leaders, to planning roundtables. Use it as part of your efforts to line up Scouting events, like district and council camporees, with Jamboree on the Air.