New Hobe Sound UHF Repeater N4PSK

02 May 2017 08:24 | Steve Sprayberry (Administrator)

Stuart Amateur Bob Dye (N4PSK) just put up a new UHF repeater in Hobe Sound!

Bob says “443.900 107.2  It is on the air.  I just tested it from Hobe Sound to Tradition's in PSL at Gatlin on a 2W hand held.”

The repeater uses a positive 5 MHz transmit offset, and requires a 107.2 Hz tone.

Bob indicates that the repeater is on private property.  All licensed amateurs are welcome to use the repeater.  Questions or comments should be directed to Bob via

 email:  bob (at)

Thanks to Dave N4DWM for reporting and providing the photos!


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