Communications Support at March of Dimes March for Babies 27 April

24 Apr 2013 10:57 | Deleted user
For many years we have supported the March of Dimes "March for Babies" and are invited again this year to provide support for the event. Due to delays of personnel changes at the March of Dimes, we just received the invitation this morning- short notice- but we would like to help. Members may register to help here.

Renewed interest in our participation comes in the wake of the events at the Boston Marathon- and the role of support played by Amateur Radio. We hope to *never* be needed in an urgent way, but cell phones are generally not in operation immediately after a major event.

If you would like to know more about what happened in Boston and learn how ham radio affected this- have a look at Gary Pearce's interviews with hams who were there- and if you enjoy the videos- please consider supporting Gary's effort to bring HamRadioNow to the world by making a donation.

Also see W3ATB's blog post here

Part 1

Part 2

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