Want to join SKYWARN? Here is your chance to get training for free- you do not need to have a ham radio license to join or help- but it helps.
SKYWARN members, please check your SKYWARN spotter card- are you due for a renewal of your skills? Are you registered in the correct county? Just want to brush up on your skills?
Here is the FREE Class Registration URL
http://goo.gl/4q9y0 registration is free to all (members or not), allows us to have proper staffing, and also provides reminders so you remember to join us. See you there!
Weather Watching and
Free Class
Saturday May 4th
9:45 am-12:00 noon
Family Worship Center, 15285 S.W. Indianmound Drive
Indiantown, FL, 34956 off State Route 710/Beeline Hwy/Warfield Blvd, north on SW Citrus Blvd, left on SW Indianmound Dr., ½ mile on right.
The class is open to the public
Please register for the free class using the "Register" button here
http://goo.gl/4q9y0 . Questions? Contact Ron Tagg, kd4pqq@arrl.net, 772-631-5846 (Church Office, 772-597-2423)
This SKYWARN Spotter Training class, taught by a National Weather Service meteorologist, will give you all the info needed to become a registered spotter for the NWS Center-Melbourne.
NWS Website:
See also, Martin County SKYWARN
Family Worship Center Location Map URL:
http://goo.gl/maps/hrAUp or
Why SKYWARN is needed
The National Weather Service uses sophisticated radar and other equipment to provide emergency information to those in the path of severe weather.
But sometimes, nothing beats the information that comes from someone in the middle of it.
Often the NWS centers need trained observers to be their eyes and ears in the field
Typical reports include
- Tornadoes, waterspouts, funnel clouds
- Winds that blow down trees, power lines and/or damage buildings
- Dime-size hail or larger
- Flooding of homes, buildings or major roadways, including direction and distance from a town
- Time event occurred
- SKYWARN spotters give their spotter number to provide authenticity.
Why spotters?
Radar equipment has limitations:
- Curvature of the earth means the radar beam is high above the earth’s surface- at 100 miles details below two thousand feet are limited.
- The beam is cone shaped widening as it travels which means it offers less detail at the limits of around 100 miles.
Quick facts
- Lightning is the top cause of weather related deaths in Florida with 10 fatalities and 40 injuries on average per year, the highest in the U.S.
- Lightning and rainfall are not included in severe thunderstorm criteria, which are winds of 58 mph or greater and/or hail 3/4 inch or larger.
- The 10,000 square-mile area that includes Florida has the most tornadoes per year in the nation at a rate of 8.4, most are small but they can still cause damage.
- Flooding becomes dangerous due to stranded or flooded autos.